welcome kind stranger to chickens

we love and support all chickens on this page ( •ө• )

  • the chicken (or gallus gallus domesticus in latin) is a junglefowl species

  • chickens are orginally from southeast asia

  • adult males are called roosters and younger males can be called cockerels

  • adult females are called hens with younger females being called pullets (isnt that suchh a cute name hehe :3)

  • humans keep chickens mostly as a food source, eating both the meat and eggs

  • but the coolest way to keep chickens is as pets

  • ⋛⋋( ‘◇’)⋌⋚

  • chicken domesticated for their meat are broilers and for their eggs are layers

  • chickens are one of the most common and widespread domestic animals, with a total population of 23.7 billion (as of 2018)

  • there rr more chickens in the world than ANY other bird!!!
