an introduction
the term autism was created in 1911 by Eugene Bleuler and it means isolated self
autism is a developmental disability which seems to be largely genetically heritable (runs in families). it is multiply determined so has no singular cause and is associated with a myriad of different genes. it influences how the brain filters through information taken in by the senses and how that data is combined as a whole again
autism is a disability and it can't be cured or medicated as one's neurotype can't be changed !!
in autistic brains, neurons activate easily. they don't differentiate between nuisance variables and more crucial pieces of data (eg the sound of of a tap dripping vs someone talking to you). this means the neurons can be distracted by small stimulus and miss larger more meaningful ones. however - this means autistic people are better at noticing small details and changes to their environment
autism is a spectrum disorder. this spectrum doesn't range from very autistis to not autistic as some misunderstand, but instead meaning it can show very differently between does with the disability. this syndrome is also highly comorbid with other conditions such as ADHD, epilepsy and learning difficulties (approx 25-75% of those with autism have some degree of learning difficulty)